Home decoration is an ageless favourite.The Comforting elegance of grandeur times,helped me explore more of the traditional decor style.Illustrating the various elements of traditional design became a part of life.I prefer traditional style more at times when compared to the modern,abstract style of design.
The warmth of the traditional decor extends the warmth of the beautiful hues created by our forefathers...
Today let me share with you all some pieces of beautiful things at home,some unique pieces of art which has always remained my personal favourites.Almost all of them have been bought by my grandparents in their golden times..
Simply a photoshoot at home to keep them in memorable cuisine ,lets me think to share with you all....
I hope the photography and the artefacts may interests you..
a tanjore krishna painting which a japanese friend (Nakano)of my grandma gifted her years back.Nakano came from japan to study the art and lived near our house and used to visit the nearby temple and they became great friends.My grandma was sad during the time of japan earthquake,no news of Nakano so far..
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