Monday, November 7, 2011

The fragrance of Deepavali at home

Beauty in my corners,the fragrant way this Deepavali.The fragrance filled our minds and i do hope will fill yours too..let them fill the years in glory.I am sure all of you had a wonderful Deepavali.

each corner had something special,my kancheepuram sarees tucked in all corners gave the brightness

boat shaped diyas made a wonderful holder for flowers and leaves on the dining table

enduring fragrance

puja symbolism

Akhanda diyas and ganeshjis

Ghee lit lamps

every corner had lots of tealights in small tea glasses

hanging lamps and bokeh

tea lights and tealights

brighter blessings

tealights bright

All images by Lakshmi Arvind. Please do not copy or reproduce.


  1. Wow, all the shots are amazing. Especially love the hanging lamp shot, and the lamp itself. Such a versatile piece. Also love the photo above the lamp, with tealights in every corner. Your home must have been literally glowing that night!

  2. Thanks my dear for the lovely comments.This time i dont know why,i struggled a little to get good snaps..might be because i was busy with lighting the lamps and looking after the little one and clicking too..u loved the lamp,right,its a peculiar piece i found in ahmedabad,will do a detailed post soon.laksh

  3. amazing amazing shots stunning.

  4. Stunning shots, Lakshmi! Loved all the lights and especially hanging lamp...lovely!

  5. WOW!!!!
    amazing shots of equally beautiful pieces... loved the fresh red roses... actually loved everything :)

  6. thanks Nayana,Neha and Purvi for loving my images.i hope all of you will continue loving my images and blogs.I sincerely attempt to read all blogs,but with a 6 month old one ,commenting on all of your posts seems impossible for me .please bear with me .love laksh

  7. Wow Lakshmi.. all pictures have come awesome.. I especially loved the idea of tea lights in tea glasses.. Now Diwali is gone but I can't wait to use me tea glasses as lights.. I am going to haunt your blog till I read all the posts and waiting for more..

  8. Amazing Pics!! Such lovely decor..loved the boat shaped tea light holder and youridea of using them to hold flowers n leaves!You r sooo inspiring!

    And thank you for your lovely comments on my blog as well!! :) Appreciate it very very much!!

  9. beautiful, aesthetic and must say always the Laksh style... classy and nostalgic feel..Lovely pics..!

  10. thanks all my dear friends for the lovely comments.amrita.:your too generous in commenting dear

  11. these are beautiful lakshmi...


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